Tag Archives: Happy

Monday’s Motivation: Loving Yourself

Hey guys, Happy Monday! You are a worthy, talented, capable, lovable person who should be proud of yourself. I see that, do you? Loving yourself is something we are always told to do. It is essential to our personal and emotional growth, to help achieve our dreams, being healthy and happy, and maintaining relationships. But […]

Monday’s Motivation

Waking up on a Monday morning can be both daunting and dismal. A whole new week filled with working or studying. None stop for five whole days before those two days of freedom and tranquility, or boozing and partying (if you prefer), finally arrive. Monday’s aren’t all bad though. In fact, I happen to love […]

Meet Dudley

I hope you are all prepared for his cuteness. Here is my Dudley! ❤ He’s bloody beautiful isn’t he? Losing Beth was really hard on me, and whilst I will never try to replace her (not that anyone/thing could!!), there was something missing in my life. A hole only a dog could fill. I think […]

Explanations, Catching Up and Goals!

Well hello there. It is I, Sian. Do you remember me? I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t. I’ve been absent for so long. And I’ve hated every moment of it. But every time I turned on my laptop and logged into WordPress, I just hit a brick wall. My mind went blank and I’d […]

Eight Ways To Win My Heart

Animals. I just love the little buggers. Let me stroke your pet, or buy me a furry friend and I will love you forever. Food. Whether you cook it, buy it or just give me some of yours. And if you really want to win me over, then chocolate is the key. Or Doritos. Listening To Me. I’m […]

Nine Things About Myself

I always wanted to marry a solider. I dreamed about being a military wife and raising my kids all around the World and looking after my man in uniform. You don’t always get what you want, and sometimes that is okay! I have an intolerance to dairy. And I eat milk chocolate every single day. […]

Remember, Remember The Fifth Of November!

  It’s Bonfire Night bitches! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Bonfire Night, it is an annual celebration here in the UK on the 5th November; and we light bonfires and set off fireworks to celebrate Guy Fawkes’ failures. In 1605 this guy named Guy Fawkes was arrested for being a part of […]

Time To Get Sh*t Done!

It’s the 3rd November already. I have a paper due in on Friday…. How is it that time already!? What steps am I taking to write this paper, you ask? Well… I recently bought some mini Yankee Candles and they are just whispering to me “light me Sian” “watch me burn Sian”. My phone keeps popping […]

I Need To Remember That..

The past few weeks have been rough (with the exception of my graduation) and I’ve never felt so negative in all my life. I need to change my frame of mind and try to come more positive, because I’m so sick of being miserable and down. Being in such a negative state is not doing […]

‘Skinny’ People Have Feelings Too

For years, women with fuller figures have been subjected to abuse from the media, as well as in their personal lives. Only recently there has been fuller figured women modelling on adverts and in magazines. If a celebrity women puts on 5 pounds, she gets a lot of stick and is made to feel like […]